Monday, January 23, 2012

Schedueling my life

This looks like the current state of my house...
     Thanks to some sage advice from my friend Sarah, I'm working on creating the biggest to-do list ever made.  I see all I have to accomplish, panic, and then break down to do nothing.  Apparently, the key to my sanity is making a daily "to be accomplished" list and stick to it.  I also need to create the aformentioned giant to do list, and check things off when they are completed.  I think this may be the solitary way to keep me sane between now and the big move this summer. 

     On a better note, I have been actively inquiring into a pet moving service, scholarships, a relocation manager in Scotland to find potential dwellings, and a realtor to rent my home here once I leave.  I have also been using my new mantra, "scan or shred, scan or shred" quite literally.  I intend on digitizing every aspect of my life, and carry this with me on an external hard drive.  Who needs paperwork clogging up suitcases when there are jewelry supplies and scarves to take? :)

1 comment:

  1. A word to the wise...make a copy of everything on your external drive and leave it behind with someone you trust. You don't want to have your drive go bad or get lost or stolen or damaged. Then you'd really lose your sanity!

    Ruth Cuadra
