Friday, August 10, 2012

Take the time to smell the lavender...and read this very long post!

So this is going to be the mother of all posts.  I have so much to babble on about that I can't get it into a small, cute, and concise paragraph.  If you have problems with reading the ramblings of a newly planted American ex-pat in Scotland, STOP READING NOW.

If you're one of those people who care enough to read this post, get ready for a crazy ride!

1) House in Florida
I can't believe it's done.  I can't believe I spent the last several months clearing out a house that has been lived in since 1986. It was a roller coaster of emotions.  Exhaustion, overwhelming urge to stop, sadness, giddiness, hopelessness, hopefulness....ah, you get the idea.  And it was a massive pile of stuff...some, treasured memories, some tired junk.  What wasn't donated was given away/sold, or simply, trashed.  The sheer amount of garbage one has in their house after 26 years is astounding.  Seriously.  Thank goodness for the help of my cousin and her family, though.  It wouldn't have gotten done without them pushing the crap out of me to well, get it done.  I'm ever so grateful to them, and everyone else (mainly my boyfriend and two best friends) for listening to me bellyache about the amount things I had to do.  Panic set in several times, and at one point, I was even ready to give up.  Needless to say, it got finished, and I'm so happy to be out of a place that holds too many memories for me.

2) Journey
The journey to Scotland was one I'm unfamiliar with, having lived here previously.  Unlike last time, however, I didn't have 6 suitcases and had to wave goodbye to a boyfriend.  The plane ride itself was uneventful.  I was looking forward to a much-needed bout of sleep.  My body decided to betray me and I wound up asking a stewardess for pills to calm my aching migraine.  Top it off with stomach problems, and you have kind of a horrible flight.

Once I got to London I was able to take a shower, and treated myself to a pedicure.  Feeling much better, I slept the entire flight to Edinburgh, not caring if I snored or not...

Upon my arrival, I saw the hills that surround Edinburgh, and almost, almost cried for pure joy.  FINALLY, I had made it! The always amazing Kate (my relocation specialist), picked me up, and we crammed 6 suitcases into her tiny European car! "I don't need to see out the back," she exclaimed!

3) Cats
The cats left me on Saturday, and were picked up by the owner of the kennel of where they would be staying before their flight.  I cried like a baby.  No, seriously.  You'd have thought someone had just killed me.  It was awful seeing their little faces in flight carriers as they were taken away.  I was, of course, worried beyond belief.  Their kitty case worker assured me they would be fine, but I wanted to scream, "screw you, these are MY cats."  But I digress...

They were supposed to arrive at my new house in Edinburgh between 11:30-12:00.  After 12, I started getting anxious and even went out front to wait.  My nerves were getting the better of me, so I decided to pull some weeds while I waited.  Hey, I'm in charge of keeping my garden tidy anyways, so it became a good outlet for my stress.  They FINALLY arrived around 1:30.  Apparently customs took too long, and they had tried to contact me...on my old cell phone.  Awesome.  Needless to say, everyone WAS fine.

Out of the carriers, the nosy little critters went right to work learning their new place.  Grace hid under the couch for most of the day, but finally came out to explore.  One of funniest sights was watching them navigate the stairs.  None of them have ever been in contact with stairs, so it was a hilarious sight! I put on a load of wash this morning, and Isis went all commando on the machine.  She was fascinated by it!

They've stuck to my side, following me around the house.  They're settling in just fine and are having a blast learning their new surroundings.  I guess the kitty case worker was right.  Ugh, I hate being wrong.

4) New House
My new place looks pretty much like I left it in May, except for the garden of doom.  In the past few months, Scotland has had torrential downpours for most of those months.  My garden had grown up so tall and thick, it was unbelievable.  Knowing I am responsible for its upkeep, I decided to get out the mower (or what they call a mower) and take a shot at it.  I've never mowed in my life, so this was going to be an experience.  Since the grass was up to my knees, it wasn't easy to do.  My electric (yes, electric) mower was sort of puny for the job.  I kept at it until the motor was smoking and wouldn't turn back on.  Needless to say, I called in a professional and as I type, he's cleaning it up while singing "All My Lovin,'" and being watched by Isis.

Out of control jungle

Don't get me started on the month and a half wait for internet, thanks to the Olympics and the above torrential rains.  I'm not going there right now.

Or maybe there's the fact that the recycling is only picked up every few weeks or once per month?  I have a PILE of boxes from deliveries that need somewhere to go, so I've spent several hours ripping them apart and bagging them in the world's flimsiest garbage bags.  That's my only complaint so far...bad garbage bags.

Ah, and there's the council tax and the fact I'm exempt as a student, but I keep getting threatening letters from sheriff's officers!  Seriously?!?

And IKEA doesn't deliver to my address.  I.  Am.  Angry.

Oh and let's not forget that I don't know what the name of things are such as surge protectors/extension cords, weed whacker, etc.

And I guess I should learn the pin number for my new bank card...

It just takes time to get it all sorted out.  I've come this far, and must be a bit more patient in order for everything to be accomplished.  It'll happen, just on its own time.

Just to make you a wee bit jealous, here's the lavender from the title.  It's growing like a weed in my garden, and I'm loving the fact I can go get a whiff whenever I want!

Friday, July 27, 2012

Tick Tock...

...goes the countdown clock until I move, just a short 10 days away.  Why, might you ask, am I blogging?  Why not, I reply? I have found it quite necessary to take "mental breaks" in various forms through this process.  While I can no longer justify a nap, for the next ten days, at least, I can find small moments in which to do something menial and mind-freeing from the decision making I'm having to continuously do. 

I'm writing this as my cousin Johna watches the "new" Footloose movie.  I assure you, I am NOT participating in this viewing experience, so this proves the perfect opportunity for a quick blog post.  This is also the last night I'll have my sofa, so it's a more comfortable time to do this post.  

So here's how I'm doing...
I've been steadily getting through the piles of accumulated memorabilia and paperwork my family has been collecting for eons well, it feels that way).  Needless to say, it hasn't been an easy road, both physically and mentally.  My family photos (4,099 to be exact), have been scanned/digitized, of which, I had to go through each and every one first.  The haunting faces of my loved ones who have left this world, have brought up a veritable roller coaster of emotions.  Needless to say, my mental state has teetered on joyous one moment, and heart-broken the next.  

Those same emotions have come up time and time again as I have gone through what some would see as mere chotskies but to me, are meaningful scraps of the history of my family.  Tough decisions have had to be made in terms of what to keep, donate, and give away.  I've tried my hardest to ensure that the objects and things my family used and cherished will be also treasured by those who receive them.  

So for me, packing isn't just packing.  It's making sure the priceless memories you've been entrusted with are packed securely/passed on to the best people.  No pressure at all, absolutely none.  

I need all of the prayers/thoughts/good juju/wishes you can send my way so that the next 10 days sees my house emptied, my cats easily put on planes, and the delivery of us all to our new home overseas.  

Photo of my paternal grandparents

Friday, July 6, 2012

Packing, and wrapping, and moving, oh my!

I've been a busy girl with the intensive sorting I've been doing.  Boxes and stuff are everywhere in my land known as "controlled chaos." To an outsider, I'm sure my packing looks messy but indeed, it's not.  I have specifically boxes placed for donations to the library, donations to family, donations to charity, stuff to store, and most of all, large black bags of trash.  I think I've done pretty well this week, considering the insane heat around here.  My move date (officially August 6) is getting closer, so I'm in total crazy mode.

The crazy chaos is being abated by the support of friends, family, and a sense of purpose.  I'm grateful to those people who are helping me on this journey to my new adventure.

The cats are FINALLY ready to fly!  An afternoon at the vet's yesterday, with shots and all sorts of checkups performed, and they're ready to go!  All that's left is to finish the house.

To lighten the mood a bit, I wondered what I will do if I have extra bubble wrap once the packing is done.  As a compulsive popper, I've been entirely too good at staying away from those tempting bubbles.  I most certainly will pop the crap out of the rest (if there are leftovers) of that stuff in celebration of being finished.  Others, however, have found more em, interesting we'll say, ways of using the 'wrap.  Enjoy the photos and keep on poppin'!


Thursday, June 28, 2012

Emotions Aplenty

How are you feeling?

Relief: That's what I'm feeling since my visa successfully went through.

Panic:  I have an entire house to pack up in 5 weeks.


Worried: The journey for my cats.

Grateful: Family and friends who keep encouraging my dream.

Short and sweet post since emotion #2 is in full swing!

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Oh my updates!

When I decided to blog about my adventures, I told myself that I'd keep up with the posting.  That's when life and my move got in the way.  I've been doing SO much to get ready to go that I spaced on keeping my readers (albeit just the few of you), informed of my progress.

SO, the fantastic Kate at Edinburgh Relocations found a place for me!  Apparently it was INCREDIBLY difficult to find properties that would allow animals.  She thinks this may be due to the fact that with our slumped economy, more people are being forced to rent, and more landlords are being particular about their critter allowances.

After much searching, and getting my hopes up, Kate came through with a great place.  I had apprehensions at first because everything in the house wasn't "new." However, once I finally got to see it in May, I have changed my mind.  It's furnished well and my neighborhood is incredible!  Loads of families/people walking dogs, older couples and gardening! I will add my touches and make it mine.

My new house!
More updates 06/14/2012

The first portion of my post was done earlier, and I've finally gotten back to the blog to finish it.  Since the beginning of this post, I've gone for my fingerprinting at the USCIS (US Customs and Immigration Services), and finally sent off my visa application!  I've also applied for financial aid and as of today, it's all sorted and loans are headed my way!  I'm actively researching my new city, scanning docs to my external drive, uploading CD's to iTunes, packing, and worrying! Today also saw an email from the British Consulate in New York stating that my application is being processed!  Another yay! This week is also my last full one of work.  I've been a busy girl!

I've been in contact with the pet moving company, and my "kitty case worker" has been amazing in relieving stress.  With the new scheme, pets are INCREDIBLY easy to move.  In fact, my visa may be more difficult than theirs!

With all of the great things happening, my family has also experienced great loss.  My beautiful 17 year old niece Taylor,  died on May 27.  She had a severe asthma attack.  Getting through these awful past few weeks has been difficult.  Supporting my family is stressful, tiring, and heartbreaking, but I wouldn't want it any other way.  I was grateful to still be in the country when this happened so I could be here for my brother.  I can't imagine the depth of his loss and hope I can help in the short few weeks I'm still here.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

A trip is brewing!

I've decided to take a little pre-moving trip to Edinburgh soon.  I really want to look at properties the fabulous Kate at Edinburgh Relocations (shameless plug here...she's amazing) has chosen for me to view.  I also want to get a feel for the town, since I've only spent one day there as a tourist.  I'd also like the opportunity to open a bank account and meet with my PhD advisers.  My dear friend Lara (who lives in Sudan) will be in the area for a wedding/vacation, so I get to spend some quality time with her too! 

That's the latest for now.  I've got to hurry and get my storage unit so I can shove some stuff in it, and make my house look less full.  That may help with my anxiety...

Monday, April 2, 2012

It's been a long time...

I wish...

Well I haven't had the inclination to write recently, as progress towards my upcoming move has been put on simmer.  Many things about the move are simply waiting for more time to pass.  Here's a short list of the items I've actually been able to accomplish thus far:

1) Connected with a relocation manager, the wonderfully sweet Kate. She'll be helping me to look for places to live.
2) Connected with the pet moving agency for the kitties. This will be most harrowing for us all...
3) Connected to a rental agent for my home. 
4) Realized that I have to wait until ONLY 3 months before my school start date to apply for my visa.
5) I had a garage sale.  One of many to come.
6) I've started scanning every shred of important info I own, including essentials like American cookbooks.
7) Connected with the vet about the kitties and the needed steps for their move.
8) Made the big decision to go to Edinburgh early to look at potential places to live, and hopefully open a bank account.
9) Spoken to my lawyer and financial planner, and arranged my will in case of my demise overseas.
10) Connected to my bank, and the sweet lady that helped my Mom with my banking needs when I was in Scotland the first time.
11) Asked Verizon if my iphone would work in the UK.  I'm sad to say, it probably won't. Stupid Verizon version of iphone.
12) Started packing/trashing/and giving away my stuff.
13) I've been delighted to see potential properties that I can pick from!  I've never had the chance to pick somewhere to live on my own, and just for me.
14) I've already gotten turned down for one scholarship, but fully expect another to pull through for me (note my optimistic tone here). I've also filed my taxes, and filled out my FAFSA just in case one of the granting agencies can't see my awesomeness.  
15) I've heard NOTHING from my school.  Thanks guys, that's real reassuring for a compulsive planner.  
16) Started to panic. BIG time.

So that's where I stand at this point. Panicking and nothing really finished.  It's all in limbo for the moment, but when the time gets closer, I'll be a maniac of bubble-wrapping, property-picking, begging-for-money whirlwind.  Then, you'll get some great blog posts out of me.  


Monday, January 23, 2012

Schedueling my life

This looks like the current state of my house...
     Thanks to some sage advice from my friend Sarah, I'm working on creating the biggest to-do list ever made.  I see all I have to accomplish, panic, and then break down to do nothing.  Apparently, the key to my sanity is making a daily "to be accomplished" list and stick to it.  I also need to create the aformentioned giant to do list, and check things off when they are completed.  I think this may be the solitary way to keep me sane between now and the big move this summer. 

     On a better note, I have been actively inquiring into a pet moving service, scholarships, a relocation manager in Scotland to find potential dwellings, and a realtor to rent my home here once I leave.  I have also been using my new mantra, "scan or shred, scan or shred" quite literally.  I intend on digitizing every aspect of my life, and carry this with me on an external hard drive.  Who needs paperwork clogging up suitcases when there are jewelry supplies and scarves to take? :)

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Keeping calm and scanning on

We can do it!

      Well, it's not as bad as I thought, at least on the cat front.  The vet visit and more research on my part has calmed my nerves substantially.  The pet scheme for the UK changed as of January 1, and I'm thanking my lucky stars it did, as the new process is SO much smoother and less stressful for kitty and Mommy alike! The process for the kitty visas now looks like this:

1) Microchip (check)
2) Rabies again (even though they're up to date)
3) letter from the vet (official vet certificate)
4) travel on appropriate route to the UK

THAT'S IT!  No blood work, no waiting, less panicking!  I'm a lucky girl...

     Since you are all probably already tired of my kitty rantings (don't worry, there will be more soon, I promise), I thought I'd update you on my recent attempts to get myself organized for this move.  I have decided that after years of collecting jewelry magazines and recipes in paper/magazine format, I will now scan them, put them on my external hard drive, and get rid of the paper!  Huzzah for cleaning/purging and organizing at the same time!  It feels so good to get something accomplished finally, as I've felt so sick since Christmas, and have hardly felt like working, much less packing.  The magazines are going to a good purpose too.  Any home/cooking ones are donated to the library's magazine exchange and my jewelry ones will be now the property of the new beading group I just formed! 

     My new group is enabling me to again find my creative outlet/voice while teaching/helping others do the same.  Since I started my museum course a year and a half ago, I've had little time to make.  This new group is giving me a reason to get back to my wire and hammers!  I'm pretty stoked to see the interest in the community, and hope that reflects on our numbers today at the first meeting. 

   I also am planning to take a significant amount of my jewelry supplies with me to Scotland so I can keep up my jewelry creations.  I now realize that I can't shut things out of my life that are important to me, but rather, I just have to find the time to make it happen!

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

The freaking out has commenced...

Who knew something so small could be such a pain in the butt?

I'd like to make it crystal clear that yes, I have finally begun to freak out over my impending move!  I started looking at the kitties' records to make sure they have the correct scan-able microchip numbers, and the panic set in.  What is ISO comparable?  Do I have to get them re-chipped?  Why are their differences in micro-chipping? Grrrrr!

The panic started when I read an article online that stated if your pet's microchip can't be read with the UK's DIFFERENT digitization/scanner system, your pet could face quarantine.  O.M.G.  This is WAY more stressful that I thought it would be.  So, I'm trying to be pro-active.  I made an consultation vet appointment and really hope this gives me the comfort I need. 

So the order goes something like this:
1) Microchipping
2) Rabies Vaccination
3) Rabies blood test (which, I might add, has to go to a government-approved facility)
4) Letter from your vet (on letterhead) saying your pet is a-ok (and it HAS to be signed in blue ink.  Yes, blue).
5) Health certificate filled out by vet
6) USDA endorsement
7) 24-48 hours before departure: issue of international health certificate AND tick/tapeworm treatment
(Thanks to Sabrina for the comprehensive list!)

Oh god, I think I just made myself panic even more.  Mind you, this is just for the cats.  I still have to get my visa situated, find a place to live, look for scholarships, oh, and get rid of all of my stuff.  Shutdown mode has now commenced...

Monday, January 2, 2012

New year, new beginnings

Here we go!

Well, I suppose I should start off by saying that 2012 couldn't have come soon enough in my world!  This year holds the beginning of a new chapter in my life, a chapter that I'm eager to embrace full on.  However, this new change, and the topic of this new blog, won't come easy.  So with the following musings to come, I present my feeble attempt at blogging, my adventure to and in another country, and the process of writing the world's biggest paper (ok, not the world's biggest, just MY biggest).

I'm sitting here in my living room, surrounded by piles of stuff.  Piles to give away, piles to sell, piles to put in storage, and the tiniest pile of items that will go with me to Scotland. Not only do I have my own crap to contend with, but since my house once belonged to my parents, I now have the difficult task of sorting/selling/packing away their items too.   How do you sort through your life, and the lives of your family?  I'll tell you, it's a pretty daunting and downright horrible task.  Not only is the task itself time consuming and mind-boggling, but the emotional attachment I have to so many things is making this even more difficult.  I think this purging of material things will be emotionally draining, but will also symbolically and physically create the sense of freedom and respite my soul craves from having a life of chaos, unorganization, and attachment to things. 

So with that, here's to 2012...a time for change, a time for new, a time to be free.