Friday, July 6, 2012

Packing, and wrapping, and moving, oh my!

I've been a busy girl with the intensive sorting I've been doing.  Boxes and stuff are everywhere in my land known as "controlled chaos." To an outsider, I'm sure my packing looks messy but indeed, it's not.  I have specifically boxes placed for donations to the library, donations to family, donations to charity, stuff to store, and most of all, large black bags of trash.  I think I've done pretty well this week, considering the insane heat around here.  My move date (officially August 6) is getting closer, so I'm in total crazy mode.

The crazy chaos is being abated by the support of friends, family, and a sense of purpose.  I'm grateful to those people who are helping me on this journey to my new adventure.

The cats are FINALLY ready to fly!  An afternoon at the vet's yesterday, with shots and all sorts of checkups performed, and they're ready to go!  All that's left is to finish the house.

To lighten the mood a bit, I wondered what I will do if I have extra bubble wrap once the packing is done.  As a compulsive popper, I've been entirely too good at staying away from those tempting bubbles.  I most certainly will pop the crap out of the rest (if there are leftovers) of that stuff in celebration of being finished.  Others, however, have found more em, interesting we'll say, ways of using the 'wrap.  Enjoy the photos and keep on poppin'!


1 comment:

  1. Love bubble wrap...though some of the pics are a bit the Hopscotch one though
